Saturday, December 5, 2009

In my dream last night I was rubbing cream on my arm.
I felt something on my skin.
I thought it was dirt and started to rub it off.
My skin turned yellow and hard and was coming off as I rubbed.
I started pulling off my skin.

I was awoken from the dream by my sister who has no manners and knocks even though she knows I am sleeping.

I was horrified by that dream.
I woke up tense and scared and my heart was racing.
This is a normal everyday thing but I didn't want the last visual to be of that dream because it would rest and playback in my head all day and become a memory as most of my dreams do.

I got up and tried to get myself together.
The entire time the visual was popping in my head.
At first I thought it was the frustration of my weight that made me have the dream.
Shedding weight...shedding skin.
This was me stressing I thought.

I then decided to turn a negative into a positive.
Yes, I'm shedding a skin.
The old skin for a new one.
I am improving myself day by day.
Making slow strides.
I will be okay.